Special thanks to the AACC Pathways Project, Lumina Foundation, and the Kresge Foundation for providing funding for the development of these curricular resources.

The Aspen Institute College Excellence Program would like to acknowledge the individuals who have contributed to these curricular materials as writers, reviewers, and thought partners:
- Thomas Bailey
- Elaine Baker
- Eric Bassett
- Millicent Bender
- Kent Chabotar
- KC Deane
- Wendy Dew
- Ken Ender
- Kurt Ewen
- David Harrison
- Kathy Hughes
- Natalie Jansorn
- Davis Jenkins
- Suzanne Johnson
- Alison Kadlec
- Byron McClenney
- Kay McClenney
- Sheila Quirk-Bailey
- Gretchen Schmidt
- Deb Shephard
- Sandy Shugart
- Shana Smith-Jaggars
- Karen Stout
- Bob Templin
- Keith Witham
- Josh Wyner
- Denise Yochum
We would also like to thank the following individuals who served on the Curriculum Advisory Board:
- Arthur Levine
- Charlene Nunley
- William Serrata
- Sandy Shugart
- Bob Templin
- Bill Trueheart
- Ian Walton
We would like to thank the following organizations for their partnership and collaboration in development of the curriculum:
- Achieving the Dream
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Lumina Foundation
- Public Agenda
The Aspen Institute had many partners in developing this curriculum. While each contributed resources, ideas, and time, the finalized content - unless otherwise co-branded - reflect the views of Aspen and not the organizations and individuals acknowledged above.